
Our leaders in every domain must plant seeds of inspiration and aspiration; they must be able to put our hopes to work.
We need a new human and a manifesto for a new humanity, one humanity…not the minority marching on, the rest left abandoned!
Everything rises and falls on leadership, and leadership ability is what determines an individual’s effectiveness. Leadership has a multiplying effect, and exercised well, can trigger the good to keep creating more good.
There is no prosthetic for an amputated spirit. We need people of pristine conscience, and consciousness, of immaculate vision, who, with direct experiential perception, can exhibit a lucidity of mind to do the greatest good across all sections of society.
Today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and often dangerous world demands that we acquire a range of skills needed to navigate the new challenge spaces, with mastery in:
VISION: to set a clear direction and destination, with adaptive agility, and deep focus, towards fulfilling successes.
VELOCITY: to think ahead, decide with clear intent, and act swiftly, with commitment, towards winning outcomes.
VALUES: to be driven by conscience, with character, attitude, and beliefs, and to exercise integrity in action towards all.
VIBRANCY: to be imbued with energy born out of a sense of aliveness, to be purposefully engaged in the dynamics of crafting a life with meaning.
An invincible destiny is shaped by being assertive with choice, not by surrendering to chance.